the way we originally designed the program was to collaborate with collaboratecbo's -- collaborate with other cbo's. i had a conversation when i first came on board with diane gray, who was with 100% college prep, and she shared with us the fact that a lot of the kids that they set up the pool, home for the summer and did not have employment. 100% a college prep had the first crack at sending in resumes and getting their participants hired. as well as college track. from there, we had conversations with other organizations that had college students as well. >> i am happy to hear that because both of those organizations have -- the 100% a college prep club. even though their home base is in oakland, they have a site in district 10. happy to hear that, and they do a lot of recruitment primarily from district 10 and really seek to promote college preparedness and readiness and attendance for our youth in district 10. thank you for that. i think my next question was in regards to paying stipends -- and this is really just a logistical thing -- do they get paid by the week, or do they have t