take on some unpleasant assignments. assignments that i knew would be later, they could say, oh, colleen riley did this wrong, et cetera. one of which, by the way, is inform an operation. so i became one of the informing coordinator and all 50 some offices of the api. i got criticized for inform handling after the whitey bolger. so it was well known that the informant thing was a complete mass. so and i ended up doing that for a year before i retired by the way, just to make it to retirement eligibility. and you know, the, the f b i, i'll say one more thing about after 911 they, they used to hire people that were of diverse backgrounds. you know, like myself, i was on the law. they had people in science. i had a friend who was actually a dentist, a mortician, there were people of all different backgrounds and it was a good thing because it brought different expertise to the f. b, i will after 911. really. they started focusing solely on hiring military officers . former military and of course ideally, military intelligence officers in the f, b i and a large portion of the f b i 's new hires we