. -- colleen vanessa banks. i changed my name and clean forgot. you just heard the gentleman say he lost his son because he couldn't help him. i don't want to die on 3rd street, but they are the only safest store we have, so please help us get what they need because some of us don't go past kennedy's, and that's -- and that's on mckinnon. we need them to thrive so they can stay in the community with us. i've been in the community since 2001. i moved back from elk grove, california. they've been helping me ever since i moved back to my hometown. please help them so they can thrive and be taking care of they children and their families. we will help keep our area safe so we will have no more tragedies like what they had on crusader. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i'm michael nunley. i just recently moved back from texas, and since i met the guys at "save mor mart," we've been like family, and i watch out for them, they watch out for me. and just -- when i found start new process of items that are at hand. the 19 h -- and i