we also need to satisfy the personnel shortage, there is an agreement with the college of mechanical engineering and services currently undergoing an internship. already from the third year he undergoes full training on a cnc machine, earlier we take, for example, the second year, engineering graphics, and drawing, well, engineering graphics and computer graphics, he wants to become an engineer, there will be work, the company, despite to the fact that logistics has become more expensive, and previously europe took the dagestan product, develops exports to friendly countries, the export center really provides support to us in terms of information, in exhibitions, in this regard, it provides both exhibitions and consultations that they give us and there were many difficulties, let’s say we can’t help with the calculations, over the past year the russian export center supported a record number of 2400 companies, volume growth by 23%, there are more transactions abroad and, according to modern challenges , it appears... there are also enterprises that are just planning to export, but first they need to get on