can go to ollegescorecard.edgo -- collegescorecard. a lot of students don't claim they're cial aid qualified for. those young people are leaving money on the table. there may be young people here the re not aware of all financial help you can get. we have shortened the form down to 20 minutes. timesed to be two or three s long. because only congress we have a e rules, ongressman here who traveled with us, bobby scott. back there. the . [cheering and applause] -- he's a democrat and working with republicans to further shorten and make this form simple. s ginning next year, familie will be able to fill out fasa even earlier. starting on october 1, right bout the time college applications ramp up. you won't have to wait for your w-2s. you'll know sooner how much aid morel qualify for and have time to evaluate your options nd we're working with colleges and universities and scholarships to aid this new start date. taken these steps, together, should help students pay for college. i'm going to end, my opening with a story from somebody who