. >> good evening, collisioners claudia director, kevin sun available and he is in kenya. and so our department has, for several years, had a a monthly district-wide, one, month of each year, a district-wide anti-bullying campaign led out of school health programs office. and schools have had a variety, and have been given a variety of curriculum ideas about how to do projects with the youth and the poster campaigns and there have been skits and assemblies and we have done a lot of things over the year and that will continue. the new partnership has been with the common sense media and they have done a lot of... and they have amazing curriculum and amazing videos on their website. so we are going to make all of that available to schools along with some directives about what they must do and when they must do it. but, many schools go above and beyond what we require. >> student delegate, windy ly. >> unfortunately megan could not be here due to a conflict. but she felt strongly about the resolution and wanted to make sure that her comments were heard tonight and so i will b