margaret collison from "the daily beast." and the chairman and president of the global health think tank access health. good to see all of you. we're also keeping an eye on biden speaking. i think everyone who watches these events knows a lot of them repeat. but sometimes news is made, especially with so much unfolding from the supreme court hearing today, to some of the trends i mentioned. so we may dip in or get any news out of joe biden if he makes news. margaret, when you take it all together, the president's bum bli bumablibu bumbling of his handling of the covid has hit his political standing. >> well, every rally he's cover had is going to be covered in terms of how safe or unsafe it is. the picture you just showed in florida, cloudy with a chance of tulsa. no social distancing, people getting sick, maybe someone dying. and that's what you think now when you see a, you know, a -- an event that -- that the president is hosting. you know, last week we had the president on steroids. so there was some explanation for some