ccap, even thoughthe first full squud workouu doeen't happen ntil friday..indicitive of that blue colllr orkehic thht so endeared them to their fansé 3ast season....- -3 a yyar ago towson's tigers may haveebeen the worstteam inn ddvviion one basketball, winning only a singll gaae.. that ssems likeea hundred tooo on james madison riding a three gaae winning streak,tww games over 500,aan in second caa..ce in tte caa.. and they had it workin' earlyy.mikk burweel gives it up for erome hariston forthe good llokiig inside move...tigers trailed by 6, &pttough,,,,,madison was makkng someeplays...evon moore wthh phe interceptton, and then gives it up to j davis for break.....second half..towson up by two...moore for madison...takes iitrighttto the freshman, andre nation ccts t 3 down the lane like a knife...and'that was that...towson falls 3the tigers now - - 3& t's another tuusday nniht, and around here, thatmeans aaother dition of our prep player of the eekawaad...noo honored hh area's fineet hhgh schoolathletes since way back in 1991...this week, we hit &pthe pool, for the story of a st