colman keane is the director of fibre technology at epb. >> so how much data can you pump through one piece of fibre? >> we can do up to 10 gigabits on any single fibre. there are optics that we can get that are much higher than that. so 100 gigbits or whatever per fibre. >> but while the city of chattanooga may be contemplating a 10 gig or even 100 gig future, the gap between the internet-haves and have nots is widening ... ironically at the stem school where students use a 4k microscope and ipads have replaced books, some of the students have trouble getting their assignments done when they go home. >> is doing your homework hard on your satellite internet? >> it can be. >> tell me. >> well, it's satellite internet so it is based on weather and stuff, so if its really. cloudy out then i am going to have trouble going on to web pages and stuff. >> have you ever not been able to do your homework. >> yes. >> do you tell the teacher, sorry my internet died? >> i've told them, but they're teachers so... (everyone laughs). >> currently in 19 states it's prevented from municipal broadband