and i said that's not colman mccarthy. colman mccarthy is the writer for the "washington post." you said yes i am colman mccarthy. we made to get up and say something. but i think that you embody so many amazing values and concepts and challenges to students that come out so beautifully in this book. and i think you come you said in the book that he they don't teach in peace, everyone else is going to teach them violence. and your concept of peace may be for the listeners we should start out with you getting a basic sense of what is peace? >> guest: well, peace is a result of law. if love was easy we would all be good at it. -- a result of love. you have to talk about that and so in my high school classes and all of my classes our discussion based and i deemphasize syllabus and sell by by. whenever advertisers would've a lot of ground to cover today, i tell the students, tell the professor to go be the track coach where they cover a lot of ground. there is no hurry to rush through gandhi or dorothy day. there's so much of their. >> host: but peace to you is not just the absence