it. -- colocated, and they should be landscaped where possible, and finally, there is a point, althought is not connected to the planning department with the click, which says that any facility shall not unreasonably affect is that a character of neighborhoods or the natural character of open spaces in accordance with the general plan. the issues related to his stores and open space issues are referred to another department, which chest time to let dpw know what it thinks about the project. the general plan, but the order, generally discourages but does not prohibit the use in the public rights of way, and let the order, the general plan has strong language regarding the concern for aesthetic streetscapes in the city. the better streets plan, which was adopted just recently, is a part of the general plan, and the better street plan incorporates by reference the dpw order, and it conforms with the general plan. in a strong location siting criteria for the public right of way, and i will go through some of those quickly. the better street plan sets out some sidewalk zones. there is a zone