do angegeca lombardi joins us live in coloradod springs.. loing into the warranty stdard.. what did you find? s,s,e found that a standa warrty on ad rerairsrsa citytys 5 to 10 years. but, the city isn'agreeing th tha awo year warranty ng eugh fix and ep our roads thol frfr?r 00007-7-0 0 0 "industry da, typically you' a 1o 2 year warranty and actually it can ry from aro area." howeveve accordrdg to the federal highgh apmimistrati on, a standada warranty is 5 to 10 years.s. but city args o years s more cost effective. "wheneyou start tatainc about extended warranqiesthose don't come cheap." farkas uldn't explain to us why a two year warrrrty, if thsales tax shshld generate 25050 million dolllls in five years. 00:32-00:38 "i've asked% continually show where i isays o years is the dustry standardrdnd nobody has provid any data." member hen collins says it nototong g enough. "w"w just passed th ghest sales tax in state history and we're telling people o the e e anan is good d r 2 years." "forhe puople whohoive andrive e the same potholes everyday, they're rried that a o year ant