coloradoos monntrous waldo ccnyon fire is almost 100 percent contained.ire required help from tte most specialized fire prews in the country.gary tuchman shows you how "smoke jumperr" train... and the pangerous work they do 3 --reporter pkg-as follows --in the entire usa, there are only 430 of them. they areeamoog the fireffghhing elite. they of them are in colorado right now, marching onto aircraft which is their transportation fly into the fires just as new ones are starting up and stop them from getting bigger. this is video the smoke jumpers brought back. it's hard to spot the flames from up here at 15 hundred feet, but the smokee jumpers are trained to see when they're on the ground, nowhere near any roads and sommtimes quite a istance from any civilization..but if ttey don't get to the bbaze puickly, the flames will often spread rapidly. smokejumpers court disaster every day they're on he job."when you talk to people you know, bout what yyu do, what o they say get my head examined."pprt of the reason is becaase of how they get to the fires. occupati