colson whitehead has this recent piece about writers who complain that twitter and blogging is going to destroy their writing. and it's actually a split that i never really understood much. i love print, and i like blogging and i like tweeting. you know, i like a lot of things. and so it never really struck me as being in contrast or even being a problem or, you know, it being two different worlds or anything like that. it's just writing. >> hinojosa: you're able to divide up your time so that you can blog at one part of the day and then write long form at another part? >> uh, i don't even think about it like that. it's very unconscious for me. >> hinojosa: tell me how you do it. >> well, i'm not good at much else, so that's the first thing, you know? i don't really have, like, other j... i'm going to write. that's what i'm going to do, or i'm not going to do anything. and so i figure if this is the one thing i'm good at, you know, i can devote all of my energies to that. i mean, i guess, i'm a parent and a husband, so i'm pretty good at those things, too. i like to compliment myself