. >> my name is colter jonas, and i am 13 years old. >> and from those goats, they all make soap. >> 'm emery jonas. i am the third oldest in my family, and i'm 12 right now. >> and there are five more, plus mom and dad. the entire family works to turn milk from goats into soap and other cleaning products. no wonder their company is called "goat milk stuff." >> i started making soap for the family just because i wanted healthy soap for their skin. and we just brought it to a craft fair, and then the response to it was tremendous. so that was really how the business began. >> it helps that mom has an engineering degree and dad is a former science teacher. >> pj's engineering background and my master's degree definitely has played a part in our success. >> another secret that helped the jonases become soap stars... [ goat bleats ] ...everyone has to pitch in. >> i have a rule around here. i call it my "youngest person rule." and that means that the youngest person capable of doing a job is the one who does it. >> just like cows, goats need to be milked every day. >> sometimes i'll even