official negotiations , the prime minister of belarus paid tribute to the memory of the legendary comandante ugachavisloped, you remember very well that surge, the peak activity that was between belarus and venezuela so long ago, and today we are here to renew this activity, we are ready to discuss with our partners a wide range of these issues, which are aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, political interaction, cultural, we see in this the meaning and result of the guiding policy of our president , why are we... here, we are expanding cooperation and deepening it with the countries of the far arc. personnel, strict adherence to technology and fleet modernization. the approach to the development of the agro-industrial complex is comprehensive. in this season, for example, in the golden fields of the minsk region , 62 new combines are working; in total , over 1,600 units will be used for grain harvesting in order to form a good harvest for the next year; sowing of winter crops in the region will begin earlier; ravs will open harvesting on july 25; in parallel with harvesting, flax pulli