commercial credit it's almost as ng as two ars of lagging charge-offs the banks are having so the combition of that the ct that these problems have just been accumulating throughout the recessions that some banks havjust reached thatreaking point right now. they just can't take anyore loses. reporter: on top of that, some banks may have ouble paying special assessmen arged by the fdic to make whe insured depositors of failed banks. analysts say forome banks, the w fees may be the difference between making andosing money. date, investors have been buying big banstocks since the housing market showed signs stabilizing earlr this summer. experts say there are baains to be founamong the stocks of small banks. but you must dyour homework to find out how strontheir balance sheets areefore you invest >> the bigger players we're talking about,ank of america, citioup, jp morgan, they've raised a lot of capital the markets in order to shorup their balance eets. your localommunity bank doesn't have that opportuny. as a result, ty're still playing with theame amount of capil they had at the beginning a