it's about comcommerce. it's about quality of air. it's about quality of life and building consensus in america and by doing so and by listening and leadership from the white house we are able to be a model to the nation with projects of national significance so that other communities can follow our lead, and i join the mayor in seluting the leadership of president barack obama. without his leadership, his priorities, without the work that was done in appropriations committee and diane is a senior -- when i say senior i mean high ranking. i was a senior too so i take it as a complement but that's where a lot of this work is done so without president barack obama and his commitment to build america we wouldn't have this success today and it's a global vision but it has an impact on everyone that comes to san francisco and especially those that live in san francisco and makes a great difference in the lives of our friends in chinatown and we celebrate their work too and thank you very much for this very important day. [applause] >> so p