was onfu@noc rec 2 noc rec 2 still not comeg whitman can fixt guwi$22.3@2, nooday.noc re@ c 2specialshares rose slightly to huwifu@u nococ mpreutc @noc rec 22s newsg two n those solid earnings whuwifu last night, up more than $4 wifudollar@s to $no88c nok.c b.re hc om2e today rec 2su c 2huwifu@nowifu@noc re c 2ay, despite noc re about a global little later in the program.huw@ nosays the stock market will be2 iuc h2e's chris orndorff, selion hi, chris hi, susie,iuwifu t. >> susie: well, lebit abiuouwito wifu@ility. @eurnoopc earenc 2situationandh resolved2vironment really the investors is to fo and wiuaywi tfuoook at @igh-yieldiuwifu c 2ood thinking becauwifu@noc rec noc l vah in 2>> we're going to a moment this how much longiuthis @ markets,thiniuk?wifu @>no c itretake weeks c remoc nt2hs.itjuwifu takesnoc. and really if you boilase issue, approximating abouju country to gjuivwiefu@ some @juwifu the@noc re countriesfu noc lirekec 2greece do they want to be toldnoc rec s how mu fujundwi emistakes. and those arestions tjuo wianfu@ talk about some ofmendations.oc2 at the top wifu closej