in california comic angela -- angela in california, go ahead. caller: i wanted to ask your guest, back in 1997, i'm in the insurance company, my company had me sit down with guys from google to come up with a computer program for workers comp insurance. they told me -- i noticed i had a friend from jbl, and total recall came out 30 years ago, and robots had the a1 capability in those movies, so it seems like the capability has been around since 1997. how advanced is the army with this? is the avatar movie showing us with the army capability is? my friends at jpl told me to start looking at the movies because they are telling me the future of ai. can you answer that question? guest: a lot of people have this idea on how the military has secretly more advanced ai models than what we know have been developed commercially. i would be a little skeptical. i think actually this is a case where the private companies have pulled ahead to where the government is, and part of it has to do with the amount of money involved in the training infrastructure, an