veterans need real options when they're comingack. they don't just need a program and se pamphlets, or, you know, a little bit of unseling. they need tions that are gonna allow them to take care of their families, to pay their bills, and to start a new life. >> veterans affairs is supposed to pickp where the defense department leaves off. but there's no transition program really within the veterans affairs. >> one the this that's the haest for e vets wn ty come bk is th'veeen a pt of anit, a ally tig un, all the sa mission andhen theyome homeand hey don't have mission, d hey don't have unit, tt's lot whaleads tohe isolaon, whicthen canead to the dg and alhol abuse, which then very often leads to suicide. and what i have found from the veterans i've interview is hat theyeally had seek their own salvation and find eir ownay back into what we would call civilization-- that, you know, the civilian world. there's something about farming, and working with the soil, and working with living plants, and with livestock animals that after you've