i would encourage to check the website comingtoto thetable.org. people are wanting to research their history. >> will that revive us? >> that story was so significant because it was the first time put out there to all of america the legitimacy of the descendants of slaves. so the stories are very significant. one thing that i'm trying really get out too is getting in contact with families that are descendants of lynchers or descendants of those that were lynched. i have a lynching history in my family and hope this bring dialogue with that around our. >> of course you've been great to have you -- you've been great to have you as guests. this has been welcome to the table. i thought of the dr. carter gene woodson -- actually carver, the scientist and his words that i'd like to leave with you. he said how far we go in life depends on us being kind to the young, compassionate to the aged and sympathetic to the striving and tolerant of the week and the strong because all of us, all of us at some point in our life be all of these. thank you for joining