. -- commando underwear.ill not ask you to prove that. >> your panty line shows and it looks awful. this woman found a fabric because she could not stand it anymore. another found she was gluten intolerant. she created cookies and crackers. she thought that she would make a business out of it because she needed money. company "marie has gone crackers." she made millions. i love that these women have taken something that they have done well all their lives and made a living of it. what is great about the internet is that you do not need to have a storefront. you can create something and sell it on the internet. one woman was a graphic artist. she always want to go to med school and her father said to her, you know what, mary a dr.. -- marry a doctor. she was 38 years old and working. she said to her college that working on this reminds her that she missed that she did not go to med school. her colleague said, you can still go. she said, by the time i go to med school, i will be 50. anyways.you will be 50 there