and you can see local events commen commemorating martin luther king junior's life and leg say at >> more coming up. first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. >> welcome back. it is time for "11 fitness." candace joins us with the total body workout. >> if i was training a client, they would be wrapped with gloves on and i would let them bang and hit me. i don't want to do it too hard, because lisa could get hurt. >> i don't mean i would get hurt, i just mean i could snag you. you can do that and reelly get after it. right now on our web site we have a 15 a-minute full body cardiowork. i did it in kick boxing. it is the one cardioactivity. and i'm a marathoner, but here i'm getting certain muscles for miles. whether you kick box, you get a million lunges in, a million punches in before you kick. by the time you get done, my lats are sore, by abs are hit, my legs are hit, and i have my cardiovascular work done at the same time. if you have never tried it. you can download this video. it is $3.99. do a 15-minute express workout. it is a 30-minute workout then. it is one