>> i think there's a new conversation about diversity in commissi comi comics, particularly when it comes to gender. female fans are now half the audience, and yet the - in some ways comics have been lagging behind in terms of positive representation of women in the pages of comics themselves. it's an ongoing conversation. i think there has been improvement, but i think any time that you have a new character, particularly a female or mainority character headlining the book, it's something of a cam bit. at the event of the day it's a publishing day, coming down to sales. it's hard to predict how about the market will respond to something like that, whether people will pick it up and buy it or whether they want the next issue of wolverines. that is a challenge. >> the committee is skeptical. you wanted to chime? ? >> we can be nuanced here and say that there is, i think, no such thing as women readers. they are different individuals with different points of view. hillary clinton is a woman, and so is sarah palin. i don't think when we talk about how women readers will respond, but it comes