. >> commissier borden? can you address this? >> as an impact e we are required to do a nexus study and increase by a project. if there is use that has a certain level of impact we have to subtract that from the impact that are being created. they are already represented on the site. that's why there is a reduction based on the reduction. you are paying the net increase on impact which is what is being done. this is standard throughout all the plan areas. it's part of impact fee law. i guess the question is if the use were not operable, currently not operating today, is that impact still the same. it hasn't been a t-shirt factory in i don't know how many years. if it was operating as a t-shirt factory last year. >> it has to do with the permitted use on the site. a pdr could have gone in without paying any impact fees there because there was a pdr there. it's created by one use. >> thanks. >> commissioner moore? >>commissioner kathrin moore: i wanted to respond to one particular aspect of the project, this is in particular to the