with that, i will turn it over to the chair of the subcommittee, commissioncommissr antonini. commissioner antonini: as reported last week, we talked about the meetings we've been having, and we did have to continue the meeting from july 25 to august 8 is the next meeting. before us today is the draft announcement, as was pointed out by secretary avery for your comments, and in the from the public also, and also, the venues in which this announced it would be posted. trying to cast a broad net to attract candidates for this very important position. i would open it up to comments from other members of the subcommittee, members of the rest of the commission, and the public, of course. president fong: public comment. in a public commenany public cot for the subcommittee for the position of secretary? commissioner moore, and the comments to add? -- any comments to add? commissioner moore: i would just like to assure the rest of my fellow commissioners that the work that went into this indeed had the broadest spectrum of input, including the members of this commission, and commissio