i know commissioneravalos is very intereed in this. i do think that this information is very useful in addressing some of the concerns that have been raised. in some respects, i see t benefit of getting the information out there. supervisor olague: at some point, and i know ware not in a position to make this request, but i think it would be great for the department of the elections to have the opportunity to give us feedback on these findings. supervisor campos: that goes to the point that it may be -- the way i see this is that this is a reports that based on feedback we get from the elections commission, from other members of the board of supervisors, there could be something additional that can be presented. i would eect that once something is presented, i wouldn't they would come back to us and ask some questions. >> -- i would hope they would come back to us and ask some questions. >> we can give this report to anyone you wish. i am happy do it. we cannot directly say we will come to present to you. they would have to invite us.