if you don't get at that fundamental committquestion, co really can't regulate. >> isn't it empirically observable that money is property? i have some money in my pocket right now, believe it or not, and the only plausible use can i think of for it is to acquire some type of property. i might be able to buy myself a cup or a mouse for my computer. i could even buy myself a telephone. this is a fancy new telephone. the battery always runs out, but don't spend too much money, but you can get one of these. where did we lose the concept that money is, by definition, property, and that property, by definition, is a fixed object that is not speech, obviously? >> well, i don't think the founding fathers ever really thought about the fact that people would be going out and spending tens of thousands of dollars buying campaign ads. they wanted the right of the individual to go to the town square and say whatever he or she wanted to say. everybody still has that right. this whole idea of money is speech is something that be fabricated by those who want to buy influence on the system. and people l