. >> what you need to be, and what's most effective for women is to have a communicaal overnightation. so let's frame it as how can i help you solve your problems? >> but a man can go in there and say this is what i'm looking for? >> i'm great. and this is why you should give it to me. because i'm great. >> but if a woman did that? >> too demanding. not nice. same information. you need to understand what your reservation price is, what your alternatives are, your aspirations are. get your proposal. you need to understand the other side. but when you present your case, you're doing it from the frame of, let me help you solve your problems. and, seriously, how could anybody pushback against someone who is helping them solve their problems? >> it's so fascinating. you could be asking for the same exact thing but because you're a woman, you have to ask it a little bit of a different way so that there's no backlash against you? >> or there's less. less backlash. what's really interesting is that that's not really hard to do. part of what we've learned, women have learned by being in this s