in the area of communitien gaugement, the district -- community engagement. the pitch team came together around those five areas of professional capacity, instructional capacity, transforming mindsets, collaborative culture and high capacity staff, and sites will set goals using a continuum and begin utilizing the pitch strategies in 2018-19, this next school year. the second recommendation was the district needs to continue its administrative p.d. regarding instructional evaluation, and you can see lead and h.r. are partnering on the evaluation p.d. for site leaders, so this goes deeper into, once again, the questions that many of you asked, and you especially commissioner cooke. lead leaders have walk-throughs on-sites, and will receive training on given instructional and receiving feedback. the district needs to continue developing its strategy for attracting and retaining teachers. you can see the status there. h.r. is conducting exit surveys to gather data regarding the reasons employees leave the district. we've prioritized increasing salaries for attra