harming ththe environment or i in breakg the e law, and so that's where a lot t of these cases are comog frfrom. miles: supuppose somebody's s in a sailboat or a fishing boat and they seeee somebody dumping oil, how do they report it? micah: according to the e law, u can't put more than 15 parts per million of oil in the water. oil becomes visible at 100 partsts r million. so if you seen an oily sheen, if you seen an oily papatch, that is by definition a crime. so what can you do? well, as part of this project, we also created an app for the smart phones, which you can have on your phone which lets you very easily report an oil spill. you can take a picture, you can fill out a little app form, and you can submit it and it'll go to us, and we willass it along to the coast guard and to the national response center. i think building consciousness, bubuilding awareness, building awareness partly that it's a crime in this s country anandt ships can pay big penalties and be banned from american ports, that's huge 'cause we're an enormous market. i mean, that's one of the powers that we have as a nati