in terms of the timeline compaq we're hoping to have finalize this. hopefully the board will let us know any specific questions they would like us to explore in the annual report. in october, we want to use that snapshot, an opportunity -- an assignment continues even though we have these rounds. it continues right through the beginning of the school, and then there is the process. " we will take a snapshot in october and then do the analysis in september, october, november, december, and to the report in january, so tonight in the discussion, if you want to suggest questions for us to export, you can also follow up with us after the meeting, and we can also finalize questions in august that we would analyze, and for future ad hoc committee meetings, the board is scheduled to meet in july, but i am just wondering if that is something we should consider cancelling and just meet again in august and in august looking abbey attendance area revisions and the key in roman date for 2012 to 2013, -- the key enrollment date. and then we would begin in septembe