looks pretty darn good by compareson, you need a stock that gives you domestic security, something that'sirely confined within our borders. because if those moments being exposed to the rest of the world is downright dangerous. what do i mean by domestic security? anything that's usa all the way. you can own a phone company like at&t or verizon. pick a regional to national restaurant chain like duncan brands or dollar store like dollar general. how about a real estate investment trust, tanger factory outlets, you've seen those companies on over and over. why? because they have been winners or just own the iyr. don't like ets. but the point is in terms of international turmoil this slot shutting tipped by something all domestic and when the world is in much better shape, which is where we were after the financial crisis, then maybe you'll want to own a foreign company. bottom line. always own a stock that's from a safe geography. sometimes that means a foreign company. sometimes just got to always pay attention to the facts, pay attention. it means the domestic security is all american, an