i believe the description is self complan torre. i am happy to answer any questions you might have. >> i have no speaker cards on this item. >> no public comment on number four. thank you mr. dowd. we will entertain a motion to adopt number four. >> i will move. >> all of those in favor to adopt number four. >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it. going back to business. >> mr. president we can now return to the end of the first workshop. >> good afternoon commissioners. we are going to now start on our journey through the levels of service and goals worksheet. the idea is that we will be having discussion and dialogue about each and trying to get a check mark by each of them as we proceed through the rest of the presentation. so starting off with providing a resilient and flexible system that can respond to catastrophic events. the wording of the first level of service is full compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements applicable to the treatment and disposal of sewage and storm water. that is what we would do to achie