veteran or want to be connected with a veteran, they hit the #1 and they are immediately connected to condigo, new york, and the host of trained counselors on the phone. so, we are able to get people connected immediately and walk them through the crisis. and i think having those kinds of resources available and that the community knows about is one way to combat the issue. and barbara, you were noting before, during the break, that essentially it's not just about the service man or woman-it really goes beyond that it extends into the family in terms of the, the threats that suicide poses? well, our families have been under stress for, at 10 years of war and plus and what research has been showing is that our families are having increased need and request for mental health services. also, seeing an increase in alcohol and drug abuse, um, especially when the service member is deployed. and so as, um, our study found that depending on how well the communication was going on between the nondeployed spouse and the children dictated as far as how well the household did but also how well the childr