in 1866, the pioneers came to brazil led by conel william morris,ithhe town's- where american tns we born. e last few years,hey have survived. the has been chinese competition, proving fabri r spial applications. this belongs to a traditional brazilian company. >> my great grandparentcome from thenitestates wh a drm to gw cotto andhey uild a windmill. anlater the family but this ctor wch has been he for 40 yearsow. ware keeping t dream a l. >> the textileindustry started here by the american immigrts and in the9th ntury a.d. bas for e growth thi area, e ofhe most delop regionsf bril. it i the prfecground for the development o the 21st cenry brazian dustry. >> and this technogy company is engineer fm th america community wos ha towards his vion of e dream. is plning to ge mried later th yea , after avinhis job, he goes to check on the plot of land he has bout ia new develoent,o build their house andhe fily. >> i have established my als. atudy i worked hd. now i conquering many thing and thatis tnks to my own efrts. >>he south american d noh american dream do t se to be very different