dbi, staff and congratulate christina wong as employee of the first quarter of 2013. [ applause ] . >> it's my recognition committee received six nominations for the quarter of six nominations for this quarter and one award and after three rounds of voting, christina was nominated. bird who has worked for a number of years and now in the enforcing code enforcement. join me in recognizing these great employees. [ applause ] >> i just wanted to thank all the dbi employees for participating in this process because i know the commission did not give employees much time for this first round of nomination of employee of the quarter but they stepped up and we had nominees and it was very good showing from all the departments. >> i would also like to mention that i was very happy that i will be hosting lunch in christina's honor in behalf of dbi, i think we did that so we would no violate any rules that the city attorney advised us on. we are not using any funds. we would like you to encourage the next nominees of the next quarter. >> thank you for that also please to the other people who are