on december fourteenth one thousand nine hundred eighty nine during a session of the congress sattar of gave an interview to kazakh television the questions concerned the future of the semi-colon since guest sides in kazakstan it was a place when you clear weapons had been designated for decades sachar of demanded that the site be closed because the people who lived in this vicinity hoping to high a price for those nuclear tests. yeah right that mankind will terminate a critical period of history when we competed in inventing weapons of mass destruction it is a kind of examination and condescend to say that a test of the ability to survive a thoughtless wish. it was his last interview a few hours later sucker of heart failed his friends the metro team the previous day would deeply shocked. they had no warning signs. thousands of people came to bid farewell to the academic sachar of. any final year sachar of was drafting a new constitution for the country. but died before it was finished. many of those in and read sachar of early articles and his political supporters had lost their ch