into this cauldron, a new political player appeared — the former army captain and congressmanjair bolsonarocoup had brought dictatorship to brazil. the generals ruled for 21 years. it was a time that still haunts brazil. for some, a return to authoritarian rule was appealing. but in 2014, it was still relatively few people. street protests, a stalling economy, and a wave of corruption scandals. this was far from an ideal time for dilma to seek re—election. her main challenger was the social democratic party senator, aecio neves. supported by coxinhas, he attacked dilma over the corruption exposed by operation carwash. and he enlisted some of the country's most popular celebrities to support him. the contest was very close. for a short period, aecio neves believed he had won. he contested the results and for a long time refused to accept the legitimacy of the vote. but dilma claims she never had any doubts she would win. despite all the setbacks that had befallen the country over the last four years, the brazilian people had entrusted dilma with a second term of office. but patience was runn