funds also go to conneecicut, money also goes to ssatessthat weren't affected such as vermont, indianand georgia.&pdo it this way. arizona, michigan aad south carolina are the only states left out. - the other 47 states and dc get hurriccne sandy relief monny. even alaska and hawaii.see, this is how wassington works. white house hhef of staff rahm emmanuel nnooriously said & never let aacrisis go too waste. and washingtoon doessnt. while theenatiin -3 shows coopassion in a crisis, & washinggon pooiticians behave like looters running from thee electrooics storeewith vs under their rms. except in this case, they plunder tte treasuryysadly, ttis is commonplace. virrually every & spending biil issloaded with millions or billions in pork to reward supporters, donors and political parties. the network newscasts, cableeneww & channels and major newsppperss won'tttell you about it beeauseethey love big governmenn.check out our websiie to see the billions of dollars in waste ann to see &&phow your congressman voted.i'm - mark hymmn. -3 3 3 3 & 3 3 3 i'm maak hyman.