route 110 through conner county and vicinity of connersville. since federal funds will be used in this project, the law requires public hearing to discuss the economic effect of the proposed highway location. the law also says that ample notice of the hearing must be given so that all interested parties may appear and be. judging from the size of this crowd today, i would say that the state is given plenty of notice. now, as your mayor, i've been asked by the state highway department conduct this hearing. so let's get things started by turning the meeting over to mr. paul jacobson, the state highway division engineer will explain the proposal. mr. jacobson thank you, mayor spencer. for the record, am paul jacobson speaking, a division engineer for the state highway department department. now, as you know, the state is proposing to improve federal aid route 110 in the vicinity of connersville this highway be part of the interstate highway system created by the federal aid highway of 1956. ah, help you understand our proposal. i'd like to begin pr