a marathon you were immune from a lot disease for ever your knowledge of studies showing that connery archie disease is quite prevented in marathon known as if you define not reducing your risk now i am not mistaken and it took his son to reverse your type of diabetes despite being very very resistant that you are current take are rather take out and then i see him being very military air having seen your father being taken away by the nice why did it take you so long because a lot of people i know i mean they were off the mats but then months i think parts out because i think that said i'm quite good at it all in stage or type 2 diabetes as it were and my pancreas is probably not succeeding enough insulin anymore and and you do it kind of there is a gradual recovery of instance of creation and i suspect that's what happened with me that as a. i got my gear because under control b. the tank that excels good read write properly and start producing a bit more incident but i mean i was right at the end stage you know i shouldn't be alive essentially i shouldn't be alive today my dad died 10 yea