. >> our next pair of students with complementary questions, sara aggarzi and connie capone. would you come to the mike own? sara is a sophomore and political science mayor? the school of arts and sciences and con sni a junior in the school of arts and sciences, her major is political science and journalism and media studies and she is minoring in french language. sara, would you begin? >> good afternoon. my question is, how does one balance their own personal opinions on a case but at the same time try to remain objective with the law and legal precedents? is there a balance between the two or are they distinguishably different? >> well, let me start with the realization that you have to have as a judge. what are laws? laws are the society's definition of how it will balance the competing interests of people so the first example of that that i give everybody is a law that affects every single person in this room when they go outside. you go to the corner, you stop at the red light. why? there's a law that tells you if you don't you're going to get a ticket. so why do we have