that talk about their experiences and are very frank and very forthright about how outrageous that period of time was. >> patty: absolutely. you had connie stevens, and michelle lee, and the wonderful lani kazan, dianne carroll, who carried over from the '50s, into the '60. in the '70s you had rosalyn kind, and kay ballard, and, you know, the '60s were crazy times, and connie stevens met eddie fischer at the persian room, eloise was born in the persian room. so there was a lot going on. it was a crazy time. >> rhea: patty farmer's book "the persian room presents," is available in e-book or hardcover. >> kwame: our last artist today defies definition. baltimore-based nathan bell, a one man band, uses a bow fingers, pick and claw-hammer to create new and unexpected sounds from his banjo. bell also plays trumpet, bass, guitar, and drums, with a wide range of musicians in the us and abroad, channeling a dynamic range of musical influences. he's on a perpetual quest to create music that is universal and pure. >> rhea: nathan bell has performed with bands in the united states, gemany and brazil. you can listen to music from his albums at natha