my name is connie lee and i live in 1556 18th avenue and across from the project and lived there for 25 years and i don't see any problem with this project at all and i don't see it will ruin the neighborhood at all. it might add more value to the neighborhood actually, and that's all i'm going to say but yeah just approve this. thank you. >> any additional speakers in support of the project sponsor? seeing none dr requester you have two minute rebuttal. >> thanks commissioners. as you can see there is overwhelming opposition from the diagram going around in the neighborhood. there's three points i want to make to rebut. one is the scale from the street view. the diagrams that were computer generated and shown earlier by the attorney are computer generated and they are not to scale. that's number one. number two is the street view also includes lawtdon street. you can see the building from the side at lawton street and i haven't seen any representations of that. this is what it would look like from lawton street. in other words you have a long open wall with no windows in it setting