speaker not understood], richard segoven, [speaker not understood], jane perry, craig weaver and connie weaver. >>> hi, good afternoon, commissioners. my name is eric [speaker not understood], i'm with the merchant's association. we're here to lend our full support for the project. this project has been long coming, it's been in process a lot of years. it has brought together many aspects of the community to get input. it has brought together different side of the community that normally don't work together to the table. we're really proud to be here. i grew up in the neighborhood and i remember going to the mission theater when i was a kid. so, i look forward to this theater being opened, coming back to its glory. one of the things it does that's impressive, really the community benefits, it's far reaching. it's going to be assisting with additional housing. it's going to supply a lot of local nonprofits in the area. it's going to help a lot of the merchants along the corridor and on 24th street. you know we have a lot of small businesses that are being displaced because of high rents and are