but connor laura's mother defended the relationship and in 1964 the couple finally married. they moved into their very own apartment just like many other italians did at the time. it had been determined that they could stay they had become a key part of the economy. but another group of foreign workers and their families faced more prejudice people from turkey most of them muslims. by the time the children arriving were allowed to apply for german citizenship they had already grown into adults and had kids of their own it was made especially hard for them to become part of german society and take on positions of leadership the problems this caused echo on to this day. the best actual news of all for decades the west german governments have been lying to itself and calling these people guest workers. secretly everyone knew that they were here to stay but no one dared think that led and some didn't want them to stay so the government made no real effort to integrate these people they didn't encourage them to learn the language or demonstrate any cultural openness at the same t