heyward, patrick kennedy, conrad burns. jack abramoff was so skillful at convincing a lot of indian tribes or companies to donate all kinds of money to political candidates and political parties as he saw fit. so yeah, jack abramoff was a huge rainmaker, one of the largest rainmakers in town. >> you know, there are a lot of names that popped up on there. first of all, how did you dd that? >> how did i do what? >> that whole scene with the slot machine. >> oh, well, we worked with a great design firm called big star in new york, and we had the concept, and they helped us to execute it, to actually put the photographs in, to composite it and put the shadows sooit has a -- we actually shot a real slot machine, which turned out to be more difficult to do than i thought, and then we put it all together in a post- production process. it was fun. >> i know i've said this a couple times, but it's amazing how many people in your documentary are no longer in politics, no longer in power. but some are. john doolittle was on that list.