. >> people like conrad heise trust they're in good hands.is questions are being answered and he's getting welcome advice. >> these guys do plenty already, but all of the work doesn't even pale in had comparison to their future goals. >> our big picture growth plan is to replicate the auto industry, is to have a centralized production facility and have service centers in major urban areas around the country where we sell food truck builds, we service the local food truck fleet. >> it may seem overwhelming to some, but eduardo and jason have made this their mission. they've come up with ways to help their customers succeed and they thoroughly enjoy being by their side every step of the way. >> we've got their back. they're not alone in starting the business. we want our customers to feel like we're their partner in their endeavor. >> food as we just saw is a real passion for a lot of people. and that love spawns many businesses. but what happens when you take your love for food and business and mix it with your love for your partner? nbc sh ha